My shamelessly politically incorrect collection of slang terms for "drunk."
All terms are taken as-is, so be forewarned that a few of these terms contain harsh language or slurs. (I have, however, rendered many of them gender-neutral.) If I could dig up some interesting background on a certain term, I included that as well - for example, an explanation of the term's origin, where it is (or was) used most, a discussion of and links to related terms, and the like. Drink deeply and well - but please do so responsibly!
I have just started adding trivia about beer, wine and other alcohol. Soon I hope to add a list of interesting alcohol-related web sites.
If you know of a term or a quote that isn't here, please let me know via cyberkedi "apiece" hotmail period com. If you are submitting a term, please provide any background about it, if known. Thanks!